Friday, August 15, 2008

Just one of those days....

Oh me oh my....
Today has been one of those days. And to say it has been a struggle to work and to be a mommy is an understatement. I just keep trying to remember that I have to breathe in and breathe out and all will work itself out. But sometimes it is hard to do that when both kids are at your feet every waking second demanding something. I want milk, I wanna snack, Mommy why do
I have bones, Mommy read to me about insects, Mommy I need a Kleenex. And then the random running around the house with a booger on their finger demanding to wipe it off. (but acting like it is liquid acid and their finger is melting in front of their eyes) Oh did I tell you that both of my little angels have nice boogery runny noses. If I could only count how many time I have walked to the bathroom for a Kleenex....before I thought of a new inventive idea for a fanny pack that is a Kleenex dispenser for us crazy moms. You like that don't you!! I thought of it first. Although I don't have time for another company....LOL!!

Okay I need to get back to work. This is the last thing I need to be doing right now is updating my blog. I need to write a press release...wish me luck!
PS. the pics above are the little rascals!! Good thing they are too cute!!


Dee said...

I can relate even tho my kids are older. Trying to work outside the home and take care my family and tend to my home is becoming very overwhelming.

San Diego Momma/Two Funny Brains said...

I think God made them cute so we don't eat our young.

I've been having one of those weeks with mine!