Kate has started a non profit organization called Project Sweet Peas
which provides a variety of care packages to neonatal intensive care units across the country. They include items to promote bonding between parents and child, and also wellness items for Mom and Dad. If you are not familiar with the NICU environment, it is a very stressful experience, especially for the baby. The stressful environment for baby (bright lights on and off, noises, machines, etc.) leads to sensory issues such as visual ones.
Visual stimulation is vital in the NICU. Most NICU's worry about getting the baby healthy enough for discharge, and do not worry about what they consider minute problems. If some sort of visual therapy is not introduced during the vital period of the development of the eye, babies can lead into long term problems, which could include blindness. Project Sweet Peas try to include items that are visually stimulating for babies in their care packages. (Now I bet you can figure out how our paths have crossed....lol)
Kate Crawford, Corin Nava, and Stephanie Olivarez started up Project Sweet Peas so they could comfort parents and children nationwide that are struggling through the NICU experience just as they had years ago. With the help of others and donations, Project Sweet Peas, has delivered 2061 care packages. And I think that is pretty AMAZING!! And I am happy to be able to help them out! Please check out their website for more information http://www.projectsweetpeas.com/ and donate today if you can!!
Thank you Kate, Corin and Stephanie for making a difference!!!
SO cute! love seeing random pictures like these.
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